Random Thoughts

The assistant superintendent from the Northwest Ohio Nazarene district came down to our church and preached yesterday. One of the interesting things was that he talked about how they have had it laid on their hearts to start praying for God to call 8 people out of our church for the full-time ministry. I wonder if my feeling last week had anything to do with that. Now, I just have to be patient for the next step.


John Kerry and his campaign are morons. They hyped up his military record at the Democratic National Convention. Then when his military record gets brought into question they say, "You can't talk about things that happened in Vietnam. That was too long ago." Just just up! That's what I say. I hate political morons that think the American people are morons.

While we're on the subject, keep your conscience clean and vote Larry Carter for President.


Alan Keyes had this great quote last week. I loved it.

"Do you know what politics has become these days? It's become an effort to figure out just what you need to say to manipulate enought people into voting for you. The notion that you actually think through things based on what you really believe and stand forward to present that clearly so people have a real choice - that seems to be something so few politicians understand. And yet, if you don't do it, you are destroying the reality of democratic life. Because if you do that, then people don't have a real choice. If you're manipulating me, I'm not really making the choice, am I?


Last night, as the pictures below show, we went to the Defiance County Fair. If you buy the unlimited ride option, they give you a bracelet. We tried to place the bracelet on Isaac, but he just flipped out. He went hysterical for about five minutes. We tried to distract him by getting him on one of the rides. He refused. One of the carnival workers told us we could take it off and the other workers would understand if we just explained to them why we took it off. They did - all except for the merry-go-round worker who could barely speak English. So Isaac never got to ride the merry-go-round because some foreigner who can't speak English didn't understand why Isaac wasn't wearing the bracelet. To all those foreign carnival workers out there reading my blog, I say, "To the moon with you."


That's it for today. Tomorrow I will probably get back to normal.

Watch out for the potholes.