God's Name and the Nature of Jesus Christ

What is the name of God and who is Jesus Christ?

God's name in the Old Testament varies. The most prominent ones are Yahweh and Elohim. In the New Testament, He is called Kairos or Theos. The point is that His name is not a sticking point. It is knowing Him, being in relationship with Him, and bringing about His will that matters.

The New Testament teaches that Jesus Christ emptied himself of the power of God when he became human (Philippians 2:7). However, Jesus' being, or nature if you prefer, was God Himself (Hebrews 1:3).

So in the flesh, Jesus, like us, had to rely upon His relationship with God to know God's will and have God's power. He was God in nature but not in knowledge or power. God had limited Himself when He took on the human flesh. This is why we see Him practicing the spiritual discipline of prayer and why He said "not my will but yours be done" (Luke 22:42). His flesh wanted to live. He did not want to die, but He also knew that it was through His death that life would come into the world.


I took some time to answer questions on Hubpages, where I post on occasion.  These questions are from there.