Using Potholes Search - How to Create Your own Search Engine in Firefox and IE8

Follow these easy steps and you can be searching all the time using the Potholes search from the convenience of your browser no matter where you are on the internet.

Pothole Search is a Google search engine that searches the entire web, not just my site. It is just like searching Google. I will get paid for searches through it by Google. So if you want to search Google but have some of the search proceeds go to the lovely author of Potholes, then follow these easy steps. If you want, you can slightly tweak these steps to do the same for search engines on your own sites.

In Firefox:

1) Add The Add to Search Bar extension.

2) On this page, right click on the empty search box in the top right and select "add to search bar." Name it whatever you want.

3) Click on the tiny arrow next to the search icon, select "manage search engines", and move "Pothole search" to up to the top.

That's it! Life is good.

In IE8:

1) Go to IE's AddOn Gallery:

2) Paste this in the URL:

3) Put whatever you want in the Name. I used Pothole Search.

4) Click "Install Search Provider" and you are done.

That's it. Life is still good.