Today, I read that Alan Keyes accepted the request of Illinois Republican Party to run for the Senate in that state.
Here is a transcript of his acceptance speech. Read it and realize that he is the greatest politician to walk on the ground of America.
The official campaign site is
I also ran across this site. This scares everything out of me. It's for church leaders to increase the giving of people in their congregation. "No Risk Guarantee: Your weekly giving will increase by at least 10%, or your money back!" Now, how is that for the power of God.
Also, I have become a sell-out. In a pursuit to make a little cash I am going to be including links to books I am talking about or are of interest to our discussions to the right of my postings. If you're going to buy the books, then buy them through those links. However, if you live near me and want to borrow my books, I am more than willing to lend them to you rather than make you buy them. This is just in case you are going to buy a book I am discussing.
Watch out for the potholes.